Saturday, December 30, 2006


On January 1st, I'm going to start the online AUCTION
for my Iframe Ad spot No.1
- with initial price of only 0.01 US$ per iframe pixel!

In fact, I was trying to setup the web auction ten days ago, on my Mini-News Grand Opening. At that day I spent a lot of time for registering with the popular free I went through all their procedures correctly, - and even several times! But instead of publishing, on a final stage Yahoo's website kept forwarding me back to their welcome page. Of course, with wiping out all the data I entered. And only two days later, I got the response for my requests to their support team:"We're sorry to inform you that only IP addresses and Yahoo! accounts registered within the United States are allowed to participate ..."

It appeared that only citizens of rich countries are allowed to use the FREE services! And many sites, e.g.,, simply don't have Ukraine in the list of countries on their signup pages.

Promoting from a poor country sucks!
Yesterday I left the message in the BBC feedback inbox:

BBC triggered success of British student Alex Tew last year. Several weeks ago, BBC was among the first who covered next idea of this ex-poor ex-student. However, it hasn't even mentioned a much bigger, BETTER web project started by honor graduate of the UK University at about the same time:, - first in the world IFRAME Ads space worth a BILLION!!! It's absolutely original concept, technology, and even story: At his age of 42, he wants to buy his FIRST car, FIRST house ... - and replace his FIRST (now it’s 8-years-old) PC he could afford in his LIFE!

Even at the beginning, Alex had at least one THOUSAND dollars promotion budget.
Well, i don't have this cash amount. (By the way, it's nearly a year's average salary in Ukraine). And don't have friends or relatives who are capable to pay me this kind of money. Also, I'm not applicable for any bank credit: these guys provide big money only to the people who already(?!) have big money.

I know today it's Christmas! Then it will be the New Year holidays..
But for me another, more appropriate time for this may simply not exist...
Hopefully, my future eBay auction will work out better!

Please help me to spread the news about the auction!

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